I have been awarded the Golden Heart Award by Judy at BENMAKESTEN. She speaks so highly of me and I jokingly tell her that she’s making it difficult for me to live up to the hype. You can read what Judy had to say here .
I’ve only known Judy for a short time. We met at The Homeschool Lounge and we chat with each other in the morning or evening when we can catch each other. Whenever I seek advice and encouragement, she is one of the ones that’s always right on time. I admire her for the way she raises and teaches her family and how she is always thankful in all things.
When I “accepted” this award, the charge was to pass it on to five others.
This is the most difficult part for me because so many women in blog land and the web have poured wonderfulness into my life. After much thought, I have decided on who they are.
Zinnada at Three Princesses and a Prince has become like a sister over the past few months. Our friendship has spanned over several places. I’ve shared things with her that only sisters share and she is an ever-present confidant. She also corrects me when needed.
Her heart toward her husband and children is golden. She takes such care to teach them what God has charged her to teach. She loves her husband with a great passion. Zinnada and her husband are a great light and example for other couples that need guidance in their lives and marriages.
When she hones in on a specific homeschool method, she delves in to learn all that she can about it to properly implement it with her children.
Nancy at Mom Just Like You is such a trooper! When we first met we really hit it off. She doesn’t pretend to be anyone but herself and I admire her for that. Even when she’s going through any set-backs, she is faithful to trust God to bring her through victoriously.
Thank you Nancy for being a listening ear and for encouraging me in this journey of life.
Meredith Curtis at Joyful and Successful Homeschooling and Take Root and Write. She is my knowledge machine when it comes to helping me figure out my teens. Her insight is right on key and she has helped me in battling so many struggles. She listens when I pour my heart out and on the verge of tears. She blesses me with tools that help me to gain more wisdom. She is involved in such a strong work for God. The Lord has anointed Meredith in leading a worship ministry, being a pastor’s wife, helping to homeschool friends, writing for several columns, and writing curriculum and Bible studies. Yet, she takes time to listen to me! Maybe I’m secretly her project. Just kidding 🙂
Linda at Revived Christian Woman is my mentor in helping me to get and stay on track in my daily walk with Christ. Right now she is helping me to know what diligence truly is since that is one area in my life that needs the most work.
She also gets real with me but always, always speaks with love and gentleness.
Her website is filled with so much on how a Christian woman should find balance and grow in her marriage, parenting, spiritually and homeschooling. Her prayer is that the Lord would prepare each woman’s spirit and soul for personal revelation from His Spirit.
Belinda at Lifestyle Homeschool introduced me to intentional parenting. The Lord had just started dealing with me about better parenting my children when I was directed (by the Holy Spirit, no doubt) to her site. She teaches parents how to parent children toward diligence, discipline, responsibility, character and priorities to name a few.
I always enjoy Belinda’s stories about her different animal visitors. Being that she lives in Australia, most of them I’ve never heard of. I learn something new every time!
In wanting to become what God has called me to be as a homeschool mom, she issues a fantastic challenge to see how one is fairing in this area. I’ve included the “Sincerity as a Homeschool Mum test” here. You up for the challenge?
I had fun putting that together. Hope you enjoyed the read!!
Be abundantly blessed my friends,