Worship and a Homeschool Convention

I knew the solid reasons that I was attending the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Spartanburg, SC.

My mom heart needed to connect with other women that know my story and the things that I ponder on a daily basis.
I needed new vision and to see the newness of being a better deep-dive lover to my husband, and having a heart for my children.
I was going to worship and give thanks to God for privileges that I’d taken for granted.

I’d waited a long time to meet many of my blogging friends. This was the perfect environment to get those group hugs and photos in.
A pair of arms coming toward me reduced me to tears that had been pushed back. Tears of rejoicing that we finally got to meet. Tears of knowing that she knew the very beat of my heart. Tears of sisterhood.

Before the sessions began on Thursday evening, the Teach Them Diligently Bloggers got precious time with Sally Clarkson, I Take Joy. I’d communicated with Sally long before I’d committed to home education. Sally spoke first to my mom heart so many years ago. She remembered me. I was drawn even more to her. I followed her closely.

I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear that one “nugget” of information that would send me home a more enriched momma. She gave so many! Pooh on me for not yanking out my notebook!
Sally encouraged us to stay faithful to the call of motherhood.

After that session we were heading to take photos. Sally and I walked side by side. She asked a specific question. I had moments to think of answers in between smiles for the camera. I knew that I couldn’t escape the thoughts swirling in my head. As much as I wanted to put on a brave face, this was a chance to be ministered to.

It was as if time stood still. Amidst all of the movement and chatter, Sally stopped, gave me words of encouragement and prayed with me.

That was my release for the weekend!

ttd bloggers with sally clarkson and heidi st john

The rest of the weekend went by in a flash! I enjoyed very much being able to ooh and aww in the vendor hall; to feel and see the homeschool material that I’d only seen in catalogs.

I ventured out to hears speakers that I’d never heard of to find great delight in those decisions.

*A word to future convention attendees: Attend a session or two by speakers that you’d never heard of. You may find a new “favorite”. It may be one of the very sessions that speaks to you the most.

pam tebow and i

If you’ve heard of the Teach Them Diligently Convention and you think you may want to go, invest your time and heart in the decision to go.

There are still two more opportunities to attend this year; Nashville, TN and Omaha, NE.

Living With Sword and Coffee,

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