I’ve always had something positive and uplifting to say to others about marriage.
It’s been a while since I’ve had a marriage post. As a matter of fact, Nothing has been said since our Anniversary in July!!
Our marriage is great!
Living in the daily-ness of home and family I haven’t focused much (here on the blog) on the specifics of marriage.
Our struggles have been very minimal…and the struggle wasn’t between the two of us but just finances that had to be worked out.
God showed us favor recently and I could literally (physically) see the burden lifted off of Brian. He has that sparkle back in his eyes. The job isn’t beating him up and ill compensating him anymore.
Brian and I were driving along the other day and we started talking about our marriage.
During our talk he mentioned that while our marriage is great, we can always work on it by first working on ourselves and learning how to love each other more.
As I write this, I’m reminded and mindful of the many marriages that don’t seem as blessed. The marriages where there is so much heartache, bitterness and strife. I also know that I make some gag.
I’m very well aware. The first and best thing that I can do is pray for each marriage. If ever anyone asks my personal opinion. The first thing they’ll ever get from me is God’s Word. My opinion, in the grand scheme of things, doesn’t matter at all.
I don’t apologize for writing about bliss. It’s our life! I’m thankful EVERYDAY that I have a man that seeks God in everything. I don’t know it any other way.
What I do is pray! Pray that my heart will always be open to my God, husband and my marriage.
I do not take the covenant of marriage lightly and I don’t flippantly go through my day without acknowledging that God has been gracious to us and that Brian and I show grace to each other. We are on guard!
Brian and I are more together-together now than we have been in recent years. Even then we were a strong bonded force.
We have common dreams, goals and visions.
God is good to us!
Many women aspire to be the Proverbs 31 Woman. More so, I aspire to be the Ephesians 5 Wife.
The first part of Ephesians 5:1-21 tells us how we should walk as a follower of Christ.
Walk in love, light and wisdom.
The next part; Ephesians 5:22-24,33 teaches me how to walk as a wife. Submitting to and Respecting my husband.
I’d like to close with the prayer that I prayed on my Anniversary post.
Dear Lord, thank You for blessing our union and for helping us to have insight and knowledge of the covenant that Brian and I have cut by becoming one flesh.
Help me to always be the woman of my man’s dreams and for him to continue to be the warrior, lover and protector that You designed him to be.
May I be a woman with the fiercest passion for my marriage and to be an encouragement to others.
There is power in being a praying wife. I never want to neglect that honor of being my man’s number 1 cheerleader.
In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!
Living With Sword and Coffee,