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Without knowing that I had stepped into part of my calling, I was recognized as an “Encourager”.
I was even placed on a writing team for the sole purpose of encouraging the writers.
No matter who we are, we all need encouragement!
Encouraging others should be a natural thing, but most often its not.
I venture to say that we’re most often focused inward and trying to take care of our own affairs to stop and give an encouraging word.
DaySpring wants to help us make a small gesture in encouraging at least one person that we either interact with on a daily basis or someone that we meet in passing.
Encouragement – Made for You – 12 Boxed Cards
from: DaySpring Cards Inc
Do you remember not too long ago when people would use notecards and letters as a way of sending encouraging little nuggets to their friends and loved ones? Yeah! Me too!
I wish that it wasn’t a “lost art”. The art of actually writing with a pen; getting your whole hand involved in the process. Now, the fingertips most often get all the action.
There’s also something special about the act of buying stamps (or putting coins in the mailbox), sliding the carefully addressed envelope into the mailbox, and raising that red flag for something other than mailing off for that rebate from the ink cartridge you just purchased.
DaySpring has started a 21 Days of Encouragement Campaign to help get that started again! They’ve included some super cool ways to do so, and some ways do include electronic cards, but you still get the pleasure of going through the process of picking out the perfect one for your recipient!
How have you received encouragement lately?
How have encouraged someone else?
Join me in the encouragement!
Living to Worship Him,