This month’s link up at The Homeschool Village is all about this week’s accomplishments. They ask, “Did you teach a child something new? Clean out that homeschool room? Create a new e-book? Stick to a schedule?”
Monday started our first week back. We all know that the first week of homeschool is usually the best put together, right?
I wasn’t totally put together, and some things on the kids’ schedules were left incomplete.
My 8 y/o daughter did learn to regroup when subtracting. That calls for a celebration!!
I did go to a homeschool workshop (I posted about it earlier in the week). It was okay. I got to see new faces (everyone was a new face), but I didn’t learn any new names. I felt more condemnation than encouragement.
Nothing was directed AT me, because they don’t KNOW me, but I still felt the sting. So, I guess that wasn’t an accomplishment, Huh?
I did get encouragement from Mrs. Lee Binz – The HomeScholar personally and that made a huge difference!
So, I press.
I’d like to hear YOUR accomplishments for the week.
Living With Sword and Coffee,