There Are Marriage Fundamentals

Pursuing What Is Excellent -- There Are Marriage FundamentalsThis isn’t a long post at all. I’m just sharing a quick thought about marriage.

I know that its best to write sometimes when there’s a FULL idea hashed out, and I know that this probably could have sufficed as a Facebook status, but…

There are marriage fundamentals!

Those fundamentals are found in God’s word.

Until we, as wives, dig and learn exactly what God says about our marriages, and become a doer of the Word,
we will live in a world of frustration!

No amount of pity-partying, manipulation, nagging will better our marriages.

Its time to get back to the fundamentals of marriage… of CHRISTIAN marriage!

Be imitators of Jesus, dear Sis. The world’s marriage advice is null of covenant importance.

I speak a lot more about marriage on my Marriage Enrichment page and my Marriage Category.


With Sword and Coffee,