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The She Reads Truth Bible, also known as the “SRT Bible”, made it’s debut about a year ago and took the Bible-loving women to a new level of giddiness!
Everywhere I turned I saw online friends sharing their Instagram stories with their thoughts and reviews.
I asked them question after question about the Bible because I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to where I read the Word from.
I had 3 primary questions:
1. Is the CSB version close to the HCSB version that I’d just grown to enjoy?
2. Are the pronouns for God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit capitalized?
3. Are Jesus’ words in Red?
Only one of those questions was answered in the affirmative.
I put wanting to own the SRT Bible in the back of my mind and admire it from afar.
Then there was a change of heart through a series of events. My pastor reads from a version that I wasn’t totally familiar with, but I wanted to dive in. I actually had a copy of that version on my shelf because of a review that I’d done MANY years ago. After that review I didn’t give it a second thought because of that snob that I mentioned earlier.
But my desire to read that version out voted the snob, and I was quickly won over. I believe that prepared me for reading the SRT Bible!
I will admit that when I first saw the SRT Bible I was smitten by the design! The colors are really appealing to the eye.
I was impressed by the chunkiness of the Bible and I love the reason why all the more!
There’s room in the margins to take notes! Lots of notes, y’all!!
Raise your hand if you like to write in your Bible, I mean like, LIVE in the pages of your Bible?
The SRT Bible isn’t all froufrou though! It’s filled with rich content that makes the desire for serious Bible study possible.
Another feature that I really like and no Bible of this kind would be complete without are the devotionals sprinkled throughout.
I’m glad that the SRT Bible isn’t devotional “heavy”.
I imagine the reason is that the She Reads Truth ministry started out as Bible reading plans and devotionals. Those are available separately but complement the SRT Bible so well!
Some of the beautiful graphics found throughout the SRT Bible
Overall, I am truly enjoying using the SRT Bible and I’m thrilled to use in exclusively for some specific Bible Studies!
Product Description:
The She Reads Truth Bible aims to live at the intersection of beauty, goodness, and Truth. Featuring devotionals by the She Reads Truth team, and Scripture reading plans that include supplemental passages for deeper understanding, this Bible invites every woman to count themselves among the She Reads Truth community of “Women in the Word of God every day.” The She Reads Truth Bible also features 66 key verses, artfully lettered to aid in Scripture memorization.
Features include:
Almost 200 devotionals, 66 artist-designed key verses, 35 full-color timelines, 20 full-color maps, 11 full-color charts, reading plans for every book of the Bible, one-year Bible reading plan, detailed book introductions, key verse list, carefully curated topical index, smyth-sewn binding, two colored ribbon markers, and wide margins for journaling and note-taking.
Here is a purchase link: She Reads Truth Bible
Living To Worship Him,
**I was given this Bible to review for B&H Publishing by FrontGate Media.
While I was given the Bible for free all thoughts and opinions are my own.