The Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~ May 18 Edition


In my life this week…

We’re celebrating a Birthday!! Our Josiah is 12 years old TODAY!! 🙂

In our homeschool this week…
It’s all about the Transcript and Diploma! That’s right, we are graduating a high school student, Aubrey!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Get help and advice from trusted homeschooling friends. Those that are “real” and don’t pretend to have it all together. Those friends have been the greatest encouragement and butt kickers. They snapped be back to reality!

Questions/thoughts I have…

This month has been interesting. We’re nearing the end of our homeschool year, but the education continues. We’ll be reading lots and notebooking.

The kids will have their annual time in Florida with our families.

There are other things that are happening. Our oldest daughter is turning 18. She’ll be moving out. Okay, we’ve known this since last year when she had a plan of going to live with my youngest sister in Jacksonville, FL. Her passion for that changed when she met a young man and got engaged. She was gearing up for married  and military life. That relationship ended.

She’s here with me daily. We talk about her future. What direction will God have her step in next. She’s drawing out a game plan.
Her verse has been Proverbs 31:25

“She is clothed with strength and dignity
and she laughs without fear of the future.”

I’m reading…

  • 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child’s Potential by Zan Tyler
  • Get a Life by Reggie McNeal (the current book that my Journey Group from church is doing together)
  • Convinced by the Impossible: The Answer I Found to the Question We All Share by Michael Berry (Michael is a dear family friend. We are so proud of him and are excited about how God is working in his life!)

I’m praying for…

  • Direction in our home education
  • Our church’s mission to reach our community with the gospel for God’s kingdom.
  • Increase in my husband’s businesses.
  • Dear friends that are dealing with infertility.

A photo to share…

I was listening to Sheila Walsh on Bible Study Expo yesterday. She was asked what her favorite verse was. She said that there were too many to name, but one that she says every morning is Psalm 143:8. That verse is what I need for my every morning. I decided to make a Scripture Picture for myself. I’ll share it with you:
Psalm 143 8

Living With Sword and Coffee,