In my life this week…
This week has been a little busier than usual.
- Monday; basketball practice.
- Tuesday; basketball practice.
- Wednesday; basketball practice and business meeting.
- Thursday; Realtor’s Gala.
- Friday; 2 basketball games, couple coming over to build a “Grand Opening in a Box” box.
- Saturday; 1 basketball game.
- Saturday Evening; Team Training (business meeting).
- Sunday; Church and Basketball banquet and church.
For the record, I do not play basketball! Three of the children do.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
My friend, Jennifer Janes, has honored US with the pleasure of hosting Flat Sally in our home for a few weeks! We get to explore our little town in the eyes of a tourist. I have some great ideas and will be posting about it (with pics) next week.
My favorite thing this week was…
Connecting with Samantha and talking about Classical Education. Its something that I’ve hemmed and hawed with but never fully put into “practice”. We’re basically on this journey together.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
I’ve always known that educating my child would be a monetary investment (sometimes a steep price). What’s better than that is having a mommy that invests in her own education (all the way around).
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
I’ve learned so much about Classical Education from Milk and Cookies Blog’s 10 Days of Classical Education this week!
What has your homeschool week looked like? Come over to The Homeschool Chick and log your journal entry!
Living With Sword and Coffee,