Taking His Name

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Why did you marry your husband?
Your first thought was probably because of LOVE.

Once the relationships starts to get serious, there’s that little thing in us that makes us want to start attaching his last name to our first name.
We ink it and scribble it in many different colors, and styles; on scrap paper, inside a journal, and even on our hands.
…or am I the only one that did that?

At that point, did we take the time to consider all the other, not so glitzy and glamorous things that the union would bring?


Bless, knowing that you were called to this,
that you may inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:9b




I’ve written before about being a chapter host for Jen Weaver’s A Wife’s Secret to Happiness Blog Book Tour.

Today, we journey through Chapter 7, The Blessing of a Good Name.

We dive right into RESPECT.
“…and the wife must respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:33

Scripture gives no qualifiers – due regard is warranted by the commitment we make in matrimony. A husband’s role automatically merits respect from his wife.”

Book Blog Tour Blogger Image

There’s a brilliant light that shines in all of this!

When we treat our spouses with respect and honor their roles in our marriages, even when they don’t live up to what we feel is their potential, we attract God’s gaze of approval.”

See! Our God is our rewarder, wives!

 Jen goes on to talk about the influence we have on our men.
”As his wife, you’re in his head.”


I’ve seen first hand how a woman edifies her husband, and how a woman destroys her husband.
It’s the difference between a man that’s confident in living out God’s call on him as a husband, father, and in his livelihood, and a man that’s literally afraid of his wife’s judgment, belittlement, and frankly, just out-and-out dogging him out.

This is where I need to put on the breaks for a moment, and talk to you like your big sister or Auntie.
Baby girl, if you continue in dogging out your man, you may not lose him physically (you’ve made him too afraid to think about doing that), but he’ll for sure check out. You’ll be left with a shell of a man.
THAT IS NOT what God ordained as a covenant marriage!

Okay, back on target.
Jen shares practical ways for getting it together and truly loving and respecting your Ephesians 5 guy!

We can get to a point where we fully relinquish our role as co-creator and make room for the Lord to speak directly to him.
There is such great freedom for you both in this!

Toward the end of the chapter, wives are given a way to assess where we are by asking, “Are your #wifestyle eyes Haughty or Hottie?”
Let’s take an honest inventory of the state of our hearts and submit our plans to God.
Go in the blessing that He has ordained for your marriage!

Let’s talk!

  • Consider recent words you’ve spoken to and about your husband. Are they edifying or discouraging?
  • Have you trained your eyes to focus on negative or positive aspects of your husband’s personality or character?

To read chapter 7 in full, you can order your copy of A Wife’s Secret to Happiness here or other retail stores.

To catch up and/or continue to follow along with the weekly blog book tour, find it all at The Beautiful Deep.


I want to thank Jen with all of my heart for the opportunity to bring this blog post to you!

Here I am, a married woman of 22 years, and the Lord has used A Wife’s Secret to Happiness mightily in my life. We should all be in the habit of learning. Be teachable and apply the wisdom of God’s word and His servants.

And NOW for a super fun part!! You can enter to win a paperback copy of A Wife’s Secret to Happiness of your own!

**if you want to make sure you qualify to win this giveaway, PLEASE read the terms and conditions! I’d hate for you to miss out!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Living to Worship Him,

*I understand that there will be some that read this blog post and want to throw my writing across the room and have it land against a wall.
To my hurting-in-marriage friend, I won’t be as bold as to tell you that there are absolute answers for you in this post. I do know the God that ordained and blessed the marriage covenant. You probably need more than what I can give you in written words, but please know that it is in my heart to pray for you. God knows your anguish and He hears your cries and loves you deep.