Stirrer Friends

I’ve written a couple of times of how friendship has been a difficult journey for me.
It may be, or may have been the same way for you.

It’s the reason there are probably more “friendship” books written for women than any other topic.
We’re made for intimacy and community with women that we’re surrounded by.

Living a life of faith takes special kinds of friendships.
There are those that see in you what you can’t see in yourself.

They’re on the outside looking in, and if it’s a friend that walks closely with God,
they see HIS gifting in you.


I’ll call my friends that encourage me in my calling; that challenge me to push a little harder; that “come and get me” when I need a perspective check, mystirrer friends”.

They help stir up the gifts. When they give me a good word, they stir up my spirit!

We all have something that needs to be done and we need those stirrer friends in our lives!


I’m privileged to be surrounded by women that have amazing, creative gifts.
On any Sunday morning I can walk straight up to her (whichever one it is) and before I can open my mouth, there’s that knowing nod that SHE GETS IT!


She gets it because she deals with so much of what’s on my heart! Its a kindred spirit.

This yields the opportunity to be stirrer friends.

Have you found your stirrer friends?
Better yet, have you stretched yourself enough to go and stir someone else on?
The thought of being open and vulnerable may be more than you’re willing to risk.
I know! I’ve been there…several times!
I’ve been encouraged, so I can encourage you to not close or
harden your heart to a
friendship that may end up being a balm.

[bctt tweet=”See the beauty of friendship. Hold tight to God’s faithful hand, and stir on! #stirrerfriends” username=”Kela__Nellums”]

Living to Worship Him,