Beautiful children. Moldable children. Children that God has gently placed in our care to bring up in His ways.
I was speaking with my husband today and we were talking about partnership in marriage. The subject of the “day-to-day” happenings of our home came up. Loosely quoting my husband, “Yes it matters to me what goes on at home, but I don’t HAVE to be in on every decision that you make where our children are concerned. I trust you.”
Those last three words nearly paralyzed me! He trusts me. What a heavy weight. I don’t know that I trust myself; especially when it comes to making decisions about our teenage daughters.
Sure, I can handle what to fix for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can handle telling the kids “yes” or “no” about going to a friends house. I can even handle helping them with their school work, but what about the heavy things? Things like; can my teenage daughter drive around the circle without me in the passenger seat since she only has her permit, or when the other older daughter wants to watch a movie that may not be all bad but not all good.
I was paralyzed at the thought that my husband and I may not be on the same page when it comes down to those day-to-day decisions.
I am soon reminded that the Holy Spirit is my helper and I can always, ALWAYS make my requests for wisdom known.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and withought reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:4
My request is usually, “Lord help me hold my tongue before I say something that I can’t take back.” or “Lord, Your wisdom is needed right now. Please help me to not make a hasty decision either way.”
Lately, I’ve decided to stand on and bathe myself in:
Isaiah 54:13. All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
I know full well that I have a part to do. I must introduce them to the Word and guide them DAILY in it. That means that I will have to do the same for myself…Daily.
My husband and I are their preparers and equip-ers. Lord, give me Your grace and overflowing knowledge to impart to our children so that they will never be ashamed. Strong men and women in their faith in You is an attainable desire.
I have been searching many different avenues on how to raise children to love God and desire to live for Him fully. One source that I’d like to share with you that has blessed me is an article from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, How To Raise Godly Children.
Now, Ladies, it’s your turn. Any wisdom that you would like to share with your sister? How are you raising your children to honor and serve God with their whole being? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. God bless!!