One Lovely Blog

My friends are so great!! Even though I have yet to meet my blogging friends, I am reaping so many benefits from them.

One of those friends, Jennifer at For Such a Time as This, has seen fit to award me with a cool award. Thank you Jennifer!

I’m so glad to get to pass this on to some of my other blogging sisters.

Sue’s whole site is great. There is one day a week in particular that I take a keen interest in…Two Shall Become One Tuesdays.

Like a Warm Cup of Coffee
Sarah Mae has practical and very meaningful posts. You’ll want to rest there for a while.

*SIDE NOTE: I sense a theme forming here!!..Now back to the program.*

Grab My Button!

Okay, so I actually do know Autumn! We went to high school together. Had no clue she was SO smart.

Nikowa and I are becoming fast friends. She’s great!

At the Well Blog Button

So much insight and wisdom comes from this blog!

Recipients of this award: Now it is your turn. Accept the award, and post it on your blog. Do not forget to thank the person who gave it to you and a link back to their blog. Then pass the award on to other newly discovered blogs that have blessed you. Remember to leave them a comment to let them know that you are giving them this award.