

Do you take the time to notice people around you?
Do you take the time to notice what God is doing in their lives?

I have beautiful friends around me that take notice and are quick to say,
”Do you know what I notice about you?”

It’s about affirmation and blessing.
You’re speaking a blessing over someone when you let them know that
you notice what God is doing in their lives.
A person may not tell anyone of a struggle or spiritual “heart” issue.
They spend their moments crying out to God; hitting their knees at every turn
needing Him to help them change.

Are you perceptive enough to notice when that person has a breakthrough?
You can see a glint of hope in their eyes, their straighter back, their more jovial spirit.

Take the time to let that person know what you notice about them.
It may be the confirmation they need to know that they’re on the right track.

A “notice” goes a very long way in building a sister or a brother up.
In a world where a put down or snarky are too easily spewed, there needs to be a hope-filled counter.


Living to Worship Him,