What little one doesn’t have larger-than-life dreams?
I had dreams, but the didn’t seem to turn into a passion until I reached my pre-teen years. That passion was SINGING! There are many girls that dreamt of being the next ___ (in my day, it was Whitney Houston).
I am thankful that despite my daddy’s efforts to get my name “Out there”, nothing panned out. At that time I didn’t truly know my Abba Father that had my steps already planned out for me. (That’s another rabbit to chase).
I married my high school sweetheart two years after graduation. We were more like best friends only for the longest time, but we just say that we were sweethearts. We started a family immediately. Its no secret that our oldest daughter came before matrimony. Praise God for redemption and forgiveness.
I think I’ll just have to post my testimony sometime.
Quickly, it became evident that the seasons of my life were changing; and changing fast. One child, then two, then three, then four, then five and finally six! I was in the throws of us being a young family with very little money. Daily survival was the focus and not much else.
Years pass, priorities push other things to the back burner or totally out; but yet, there’s still that ember glowing.
True, I’d sing at church, weddings, funerals but I knew/know that that’s not the absolute best that God has for me.
The accolades and encouragement is always great, but I promised God that I will always give Him honor and glory for this gift He’s given me. Besides, He’s gonna get it anyway. I’d rather be a joyful participant.
For as long as I can remember, my Aunt Annette had the same aspirations. Her time has finally come! My heart rejoiced with her as I heard her news.
She then text me these words, “Of course I want you to be a part of it!” My very being was jumpin’ up and down. If I weren’t driving (my daughter read the text to me. Don’t worry) I would have been literally jumpin’ up and down.
We now have some details worked out and I’ll be joining her at Arrow Records the first week in April. I will be doing back up vocals for her. I’m praisin’ God in that! I will not despise the days of seemingly small beginnings ( Zechariah 4:10 ).
Some, and the most important, details that had to be worked out were #1: Is this God’s hand working in my life. Prayer, prayer and more prayer.
#2: I knew that the confirmation had come when my husband was/is 100% on board. He said, “The timing couldn’t have been better. I know that you’ve waited a long time for this to happen and who better to do it with than your Aunt?”. My heart soared to know that I have the approval of my husband. Without that unity and “go ahead”, I would have waited even longer…and without resentment or regret.
I’m excited and am so ready to see how God uses me in this and what other doors will open from this! I’ll keep you posted on how things are progressing.