{This entry will be shared both here and my Personal Blog.}
I was doing a little cleaning out a few days ago and came across a typed note that my husband presented me with about two years ago.
I’d totally forgotten about it. How could I?!?
Two years ago was a trying time parenting wise. We were going through the rebellious young teen stage (she was 14).
The stress must have shown brightly on my face; thus draining my will, emotions, and energy.
My husband took the time to type this letter to me:
My Dear Wife,
Blessed are you when you are persecuted for doing what’s right.
Blessed are you when your own children revile and persecute you.
Blessed are you for standing for Righteousness sake.
Blessed are you when you feel exiled and alone.
Be of great courage my love, for you are not alone. Always know that I am in your corner even when I seem at a distance. You are my beloved wife and very dear to my heart. Smile because you know you are doing what is right. Don’t get discouraged by ignorant and dishonorable kids. You stand strong, for the Lord your God is with you and He is most pleased with your will to guide our children in their education. Stand up and be strong and don’t let them think they run you. I love you and I am pleased with you. Thank you baby for hanging on.
All My Heart,
Your White Knight
I believe that those were words not only from my husband, but also straight from my Father.
Mothers that have children that wear you out, be encouraged today. Know that YOU are God’s beloved and He is well pleased when we seek to do the best for our children.
During this wonderful time of celebration, praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever!
Happy Homeschooling!