In my life this week…
- I’m connecting with our Journey Group leader from church. We haven’t been to a group gathering yet, but it was cool to chat with Stephani. It makes me look forward to the next meeting even more!
- I was asked to lead a Women’s Bible study by someone locally. I’m still praying about the direction it should go.
- The battery died in my Excursion on Monday. The jumper cables actually burned up! I got a new battery, but now my radio doesn’t work! Brian just hasn’t had time to check it out yet. Something’s gotta happen soon, cause I haven’t been able to get my praise on like I want to!
In our homeschool this week…
- I’ve started constructing my planner for next school year. I purchased the PDF version of The Well Planned Day (Homeschool Teacher). I’ve been keeping my eye on it for a while and finally took the dive! I *heart* the format.
The Homeschool Village just started a Garden Challenge that the kids and I will participate in. Last year we planted tomatoes. We purchased 3 different types of tomato plants to see which yielded more. For some reason I neglected to track the growth and progress…but not this year! I’m on it!
- We have an idea for planting/growing ingredients for Pica de Gallo. It’s our favorite at our friends’ home (she is Honduran and can throw down on Pica de Gallo). Now we can have it more often.
- Our oldest daughter’s new Math curriculum showed up. We purchased Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance. We want her, and all of our children, to be wise and faithful stewards of what God entrusts them with. We want our daughters to be a blessing to their husbands in the area of finances
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Brian’s sister and brother-in-law are coming to visit us this weekend! Its a random trip, but we’re happy and glad to have them here.
My favorite thing this week was…
Reading over courtship questions with my two oldest daughters. One of them has the making of a beautiful courtship budding in the near future (?) God knows and time will tell.
What’s working/not working for us…
I am HOPING that Math U See will work in the Fall.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
My beloved and the older boys at a recent Orlando Magic basketball game at the Amway Center! Brian was more jacked about being at the Amway Center than anything…for good reason!! It’s partly how we enjoy a great lifestyle!
I’m linked in TWO places this week! The Homeschool Chick and Caffeinated Randomness!
Living With Sword and Coffee,