It’s Our Anniversary!!

It wont be official until tomorrow, but since today is Marriage Monday at Come Have a Peace, I figured I’d make the announcement today.

Brian and I will celebrate 16 years of marriage tomorrow, July 6!!
From the moment we met in high school over 18 years ago I knew that we would be together (despite some circumstances). Starting out as friends let me see his true heart; that he would have my back when the pressure was on. 

He risked a lot to be my friend and even more to become my Man.

All of that is behind us now and our years have been prosperous and promising. 

Without God anointing and appointing mentors (personally and through great books), our marriage would have been good, but we wouldn’t have gathered the tools for it to be great. God bless those men and women that have spoken life into us individually and as a couple.

Dear Lord, thank You for blessing our union and for helping us to have insight and knowledge of the covenant that Brian and I have cut by becoming one flesh. 

Help me to always be the woman of my man’s dreams and for him to continue to be the warrior, lover and protector that You designed him to be.

May I be a woman with the fiercest passion for my marriage and to be an encouragement to others. 

There is power in being a praying wife. I never want to neglect that honor of being my man’s number 1 cheerleader. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!

Until next time…Be Abundantly Blessed!