It’s All Becoming Clear

…at least most things, anyway.

As any of you know from my post last week, Brian and I went to a leadership conference.

It was awesome, as expected. There was a lot of information; not on mechanics of building a business, but about attitude.

There was one word that kept jumping out…CLARITY.

Our whole team is in transition and in the midst of making great things happen.

The only way a person can truly move forward is the have clarity. A clear vision of what you want and how you go about achieving it.

This for us means to clear the cobwebs, let go of past failures and guilt.

To continue on with Clarity;

Our pastor just introduced the video for the new series he’s starting this Sunday; Black and White.

In the information portion for the video, the word “clarity” is in it twice!

Last week I wrote a post, “Noise Destroys”.
I see a thread being woven in my life; in my family’s life.

Simplicity. Clarity.

Living With Sword and Coffee,
