This post is dedicated to my man, whom I treasure beyond any words that I can find to describe.
I want to share something that made my heart thump and soar at the same time.
I’m currently reading Sacred Influence, How God Uses Wives to Shape the Souls of Their Husbands by Gary Thomas.
In the chapter I’m reading, Gary encourages wives to see our husbands with fresh eyes; to appreciate him for the positive and good that’s in him.
All of this brought me to the end of the chapter 5 with “Immeasurable Worth”. In this quick and heart quickening story, Gary condenses the context, but what he did say actually made me tear up.
In the twelfth century, the vast wealth of Weinsberg Castle lay in peril. Enemy forces besieged the stone fortress and threatened the riches that lay within. The inhabitants stood no chance of defending themselves against such a great horde, and the opposing forces demanded a full and complete surrender. If the occupants would agree to give up their wealth and the men would give up their lives, the women and children would be spared.
After consultation, the women of Weinsberg Castle asked for one provision: they asked to leave with as many possessions as they could carry. If the opposing forces would agree to this one request, the men inside would lay down their arms and hand over the castle’s riches.
Fully aware of the wealth of riches loaded within the castle, the enemy forces agreed. After all, how much could these women take?
Finally, the castle gates opened, and the sight that emerged elicited tears from even the most calloused soldiers. Every woman carried her husband on her back.
Gary goes on to ask, “How many of those rescued men were perfect? Not one. But every one of those imperfect men meant more to their wives than anything they owned. Where is your greatest wealth?
I say with both hands raised that I agree and would tote my man too! I’m sure that we’d never have to literally tote our men in order to keep him. There are ways though that we must tote our men through the times that threaten our marriages.
This is interaction time Dear Reader…
To what lengths would you go to carry your man, your greatest wealth?
Will you do it only when he loves you your way?
Will you do it when you yourself are tired?
Will you do it when you feel that you don’t even like him anymore?
Thinking on that last question, let me be honest and bold when I say that there are days (or longer) that he doesn’t like YOU. I say that because my husband lives with ME and I’m not the most likeable at all times.
Tote him when he’s most unlovely. Tote him when he’s weary. Tote him even when you feel that you need to be toted too. It may only be a short distance or over a long term. God’s grace is sufficient and His strength is perfect when we’re weak.
Living With Sword and Coffee,