These things I have spoken to you,
that My joy may remain in you,
and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11 (NKJV)
As I read through John 15, I meditated on verse 11 a little longer. The words, “that My joy may remain in you”, made me a little sad.
Sad because I know that there’s SO MUCH that I’m missing out on by not understanding the depth of joy that Jesus Himself is…and that joy is in me!
Jesus said that our joy should be full! Its even included as a fruit of the Spirit.
It’s important!
Joy is too often a take-it-or-leave-it way to live.
We sing songs about joy unspeakable and having the joy down in our hearts but do we fully comprehend it?
I know that I don’t.
I don’t walk around sad and all negative.
I usually have a really good attitude and positive outlook.
But am I living in full joy? The joy of Jesus?!
Do you know one way that our joy can be full?
Abiding in Jesus; the Word of God.
Its spelled out in 15:1-10.
Abiding is being in close fellowship with our King, the Lord of our lives.
We GET to have intimacy with Him!
After time with the Father, His joy should be shining from our faces.
Time with Him is worshipping Him.
Its not just a tingly feeling, but a life changing experience.
Need joy?
Spend quality time with God.
Let His word sink in and let joy come up.
Take some time to read and study John 15.
Even if you’ve read it countless times, read it again!
We will NEVER exhaust the Word of God!
Living With Sword and Coffee,
Kela >
*photo credit: hyena reality|freedigitalphotos .net