I’m Old Enough. I Can Do it Myself!


Those were the very words that my 4 year old son said a few days ago when we ventured to our neighborhood pool.
He was ONLY three years old last summer and hadn’t yet learned to swim. 

He figured that since he was another year older  he would automatically know how to swim.

He put that theory to the test, and before I knew it, he was stepping off of the pool’s steps into the 3 ft. deep water! 

I was standing right there beside him. I easily grabbed his hand…only after he went completely under water. 

There are a couple of things that I admire about him in this scenario;
1) No fear!
2) Confidence that being older brought its instant perks.
I quickly told Brian that it’s definitely time for swim lessons for our fearless son.

Of course this very thing got me to thinking about my walk with my Daddy (Abba Father).

I want to be fearless for Him. Not afraid or apprehensive to just jump in.
Just as my son jumped in without a second thought that since he’s mature enough that he could do it.

As we mature in our faith (day by day) there are things that we can and should jump into with God’s leading. 

Just as I was there to pull Caleb out of the water before he could go under again, God is right there too!! 

Do you think that my little boy sat down after that encounter and said, “I’m not going anywhere near that water again!”? Not on your life! He was right back at it. Not letting life pass him by. He adjusted and re-engaged.

Let’s JUMP IN friends! ENGAGE! 

What’s holding you to the ground, to safety, to fear?
Your Daddy is right there for you! The Bible tells you so…

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Until next time… Be abundantly blessed!!