Homeschool Mother’s Journal: August 17 Edition

In my life this week…
This week has gone by like a whirlwind! From dentist appointments for 5 children to finalizing some curriculum, purchasing some supplies and started printing, it’s been a little underwhelming with enthusiasm!

OH! I did get a new blog look and header this week! I like it bunches!! I asked Jessica, Bohemian Bowmans, to give me something that’s “ME” and screams “Sword and Coffee”. She did a fantastic job! She can hook you up too!

In our homeschool this week…
Our original plan was to start on the 20th, but I’ll explain more when I answer the “Places we’re going and people we’re seeing! 🙂

South Carolina has passed the Interscholastic Participation bill that allows government schools and home educated students to participate in their local public school’s extracurricular activities. My oldest two sons have chosen to participate in basketball at the middle school and high school! All of our family is excited!!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
This advice is what I will DEFINITELY be inserting into our homeschool year…while we talk about God’s Word in our home, I haven’t been intentional with digging into the Word WITH our children. I’m still looking for something that will “pop” with the children that will spark and keep their interest. This starts with the Holy Spirit’s direction. I’m praying for wisdom here. So…get into the Bible with your children this school year!

I am inspired by…
TeachThemDiligentlyA new team that I am a part of; Teach Them Diligently Convention bloggers. Teach Them Diligently is a convention that I’ve been most excited about since it’s inaugural debut last Spring. The heart and passion that David and Leslie to help equip home educators in educating to glorify God is more than inspiring! I’ll be heading to the convention in Spartanburg, SC to meet them and other bloggers that I’ve grown to love!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
As mentioned about about our original homeschool start date. I’m elated for the reason that we’re starting “late”! One of my sisters had her FIRST baby in June. Our family will be spending time in Florida doting on my new nephew/their new FIRST first cousin! God has been mightily faithful in blessing my sister and her husband with a beautiful baby boy! I can’t wait to kiss him all over his handsome face!

I’m reading…
The Promise of Provision: Living and Giving From God’s Abundant Supply by Derek Prince.


I’m actually reading this (and a few other books!) for review. This book is SO MUCH MORE than “just for review”. It’s opening my eyes even more to the truths of God’s Word!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

This is our oldest daughter, Aubrey. She has some wonderful things going on in her life and we see God’s hand moving all through her life!

Aubrey with her Sword

Living With Sword and Coffee,