The title “Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild” by Mary Kassian immediately caught my eye. My first reaction was, “Wow! What a play on words!” So many are all too familiar with the alternative title of girls gone wild. I’d rather read or see something about Girls gone wise any day.
In Girls Gone Wise, Mary unpacks Proverbs 7. Now would be a good time to grab your Bible to read about who’s the wild one.
Girls Gone Wise gives so much insight on making wise decisions as God’s daughters and how not to get caught in satan’s grip of foolish decisions.
Mary shares 20 points of contrast. A few are:
- Heart
- Attitude
- Habits
- Body Language
- Boundaries
- Authenticity
- Entitlement
- Reliability
- Influence
- Teachability
Mary is open and totally honest in Girls Gone Wise. I’m personally glad that she was hard hitting. Women, young and old(er), need to know God’s Word and the way that we are to conduct ourselves. Besides, young girls that don’t learn better grow into old girls that haven’t learned better.
Girls Gone Wise will be one of those, “Do I have a book for you!” kinda books for me to hand out to the women in my life.
Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild (Moody Publishers, ISBN: 0-8024-5154-3) will be available in bookstores April 2010.
Paperback: $14.99.
To find out more about Mary Kassain and Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild, visit
Disclaimer: provided a free copy of this resource for me to review. I share my personal, honest opinion of the product (good, bad or indifferent). I have not received any financial compensation for this review.