Get Up From Learning and Start Serving

Pursuing What Is Excellent Get Up From Learning and Start Serving

I’m sitting here thinking about something one of our pastors said Sunday morning, and I loosely paraphrase,

“Get up from learning
and start serving.”

We should always be in a state of being teachable and learning new things, but it does no good to hang on to knowledge and not pass it on!
I can sit for hours and study God’s Word, or read writings from others.
But I’m just being a consumer. There’s no output, and I feel that’s a HUGE waste of life!
God has gifted each one of us.
We can each be generous in our gifts by serving.
You can serve in a way that no one else can.

I asked God to show me where I need to serve; to be on mission.
I sheepishly think that I already know the answer and I realize that I’m not walking fully in my “serve”.

Reflection time:

  • Have I made myself available?
  • When I know that I’ve clearly heard the voice of God speaking to my spirit, do I make excuses and blatantly disobedient?
  • How much do I love the God I serve; following His commandment to love others?
  • Why am I hesitant or afraid?

These are tough questions for me because it is a call to action and I am without excuse to follow through.

As I take a self-exam, will you be willing to ask those same questions of yourself?
What is your gifting and serve call? How have you been hearing God instruct you?

Do you feel that what you have is too small and ordinary to be used?
Think about this:

”What was once normal and common became supernatural with the touch of God.” –Rich Butler, Restoration Church

 **Updated content: My husband and I were highly encouraged and called to order by the message from our lead pastor Rich Butler at Restoration Church.
Follow this link to hear the message from the Gospel of Mark series, Redefining Apostolic Ministry.

With Sword and Coffee,