“To whom then will you liken Me, or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy One.
Look up and see:
Who created these? He brings out the starry host by number; He calls all of them by name.
Because of His great Power and strength, not one of them is missing.
Isaiah 40:25-26
I’m so grateful for the privilege to look up and see the glorious goodness of God.
NOTHING else compare or is equal to Him.
He calls every star by name! The things that are seemingly so insignificant in our everyday lives, He took the time to care about everything and everyone He created.
God in His undivided attention speaks to each of us as long as we’ll listen; and even beyond that. He’s ready for fellowship with us. We should want it more than Him because we are the created.
God so loved….and loved…and loves.
He loves it when we face Him; whether it’s looking up, or face to the floor, we’re facing Him.
I love it when He says, “Turn your face to the sky, daughter.”
It can be a specific cloud pattern that He knows is my favorite (any of them that are feather shaped), the warmth of the sun, or to simply whisper my thanks to Him.
Look for opportunities throughout this week to turn your face to the sky. What do you see, hear or find?
To celebrate #write31days and all of the participants, DaySpring is hosting a giveaway from now until October 28 for our wonderful readers!!
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Living to Worship Him,