I was challenged by a friend to write about balancing Spiritual time, holding it down as a wife, household duties and being a mother.
I’ll tackle these one by one.
I’ve already written about Daily Dwelling with God.
Wifey for Lifey:
I take great delight in being my husband’s wife. I’m greatly loved and I don’t take that for granted.
We have hiccups. A good dose of God’s word, grace, honesty, self-examination, understanding and forgiveness is that glass of water that’s needed to cure that.
For some wives the starting point is today. Start today in practicing the above.
- God’s Word soothes the soul, brings direction and correction (2 Tim 3:16).
- Grace paves the way to see our husbands as God does.
- Honesty clears the air of any misconceptions. *Women, we know how easy it is to jump to assumptions at times, right?*
- Self-Examination should be done quickly. If there is a part that you may have played in a situation, ask God’s forgiveness and ask Him how you should further behave or respond. If you’re wrong, admit it.
- Understanding is something that takes practice. It includes not being easily offended. Not every conversation or “intense fellowship” is cut and dry. We must be willing to hear each other out without blowing up. How much does it fluster you when you feel that you aren’t being understood? Take the time to listen.
- My husband and I heard this quote, “Talking is sharing. Listening is caring.” With that, my husband wrote on his notepad that when we need to be heard or understood that we should say, “I need you to care more.” I totally agree with that!
- Forgiveness; can’t move forward without it. Look at the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:12) as our example of what we should live out in that area, “And forgive us our debts, as we for we forgive our debtors.” Eh-hmmm…how much forgiveness do we ourselves need? That’s what I thought.
There may be some issues that you have personally that requires more time in God’s Word and listening to messages, reading Christian books about these and other topics. Woman, I want you to be free. We can’t effectively love others around us well if we’re bound to negative habits and behaviors.
The above brings to mind Philippians 2:12-16 as Paul instructs the Philippians on how to live in his absence.
“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.”
We as Christian couples are as lights to others that need guidance and an example. How are we with working out our differences? May I encourage you to use God’s Word as your very first point of reference.
I’ve recently had to deal with balancing in my marriage. My husband and I weren’t on the same page with the vision and goals that we want to accomplish together. He lovingly applied the list above with me. We agreed that there were areas that we BOTH had to work on. Its working out very well!
There is a great side to all of this! You get to strengthen your marriage.
Enjoy that man that you’re married to. Isn’t that what you did when you were dating each other?
Become friends again. Remember what made him feel special and rekindle that. There’s an abundance of fun date ideas.
Rediscover one another. You two deserve it!
I do pray that this mini-series is helping you. It’s therapy for me because I have to hash out my own fleshiness to bring you these words.
I’ll be doing it again tomorrow in tackling what Wishful Thinking wont help me accomplish in keeping my home.
I have compiled a list of books and articles in my Marriage Enrichment post that has helped me in growing as a wife.
Living With Sword and Coffee,