Confront What Stops You


I ran headlong into this confrontation.
It was one that I was willing to take on because I can’t allow it to run my life;
to ruin my life.

This post is perhaps one of the rawest I’ve written in a long time.
I’m talking about confronting the spirit of rejection.

I confess this to get it out and deal with it: I’m overcoming trust issues.
Because I had trust issues, it caused me to be suspicious of others and waiting for the shoe of rejection to drop.
As badly as I want each friendship to work, it was sabotaged before it even began because I EXPECTED rejection.
And guess what? I got what I expected.
This pattern isn’t good for my personality type anyway.
Being an introvert was the perfect cover for internalizing rejection.
I can turn in-to myself better than anyone else that I know.
[bctt tweet=”I’d make the excuse of “liking my bubble”, when in reality, I was hiding out.” username=”Kela__Nellums”]


With the help from the Holy Spirit and Him using Beth Kinder of Remade Community, I was able to locate the bitter root where the spirit of rejection started to grow deep.
I won’t go into what it is here, but I do feel freedom becoming more sure as I clean house.
I replace the lies with the truth of God’s Word.
Instead of attracting those spirits that bind, I accept the fullness of who I am in Christ!
This is God “John 15ing” my life; pruning away to bear more fruit.
I’m learning to walk in this new freedom and growth; learning what trust really feels like, learning to not be easily offended. I renounce what doesn’t belong, and accept the things of God that is true.

I asked the Lord a few months ago to reveal things in me that needed attention. He’s been gracious enough to help me along in that.
This new revelation was heavier than I imagined because it was so deep rooted, but I have my freedom!
The Holy Spirit is my comforter, my guide, the Spirit of truth and that cannot be taken away.

Put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:22-24

Whew! Y’all! If we were face to face, there’s so much more that I could say and share. Written words fail to convey what my heart and spirit are experiencing! It’s definitely a Philippians 4:7 moment of the peace of God that surpasses all understanding; a joy unexplainable!

Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (NIV).

What you need to confront may not be the spirit of rejection, but its something else that you’ve allowed to take root.
What does God need to prune? Do you know?
I didn’t know initially. I knew the emotions that were swarming around the base of my heart, but the emotions weren’t the true issues.
If you’re ready for freedom, confront what stops you. Reclaim your abundant life in Christ ( John 10:10 ).


Living to Worship Him,