Caffeinated Randomness: It’s a Wrap. Well, Almost…


May will soon be rolling over into June. The school year will be ending soon for public schools and for our homeschool. We roughly follow the local school schedule because we have a slew of kids in our neighborhood that flock to our home when they aren’t in school. So, their school schedule is just easier to go by.

What I’m wrappin’ up…
  • TOS Homeschool Crew curriculum reviews. Its been a blessing and hard work. Overall, I had fun and we got some great products to use.
  • Book reviews that have been put on the back burner for several months. I’ll probably take the month of June to read up and write. Thankfully its only 3 books. Or is that 5 or 6?
In Andrea’s Caffeinated Randomness, she asked what was on our nightstands. She shared what she was reading. Well, the only thing I have on my night stand is Brian’s Bible (one of his extras), my lamp and clock. BUT, on my desk; which Brian lovingly calls my second bedroom, is:
So Long, Insecurity: You've Been a Bad Friend to Us 

Sacred Influence: How God Uses Wives to Shape the Souls of Their HusbandsSacred Marriage 
The Power of a Praying® Wife Deluxe EditionOne Word From God Can Change Your Life 
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do DifferentlyThe Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling 

Join Andrea at

Under Grace & Over Coffee.

Until next timeBe abundantly blessed!