Yeah! They’re as cute as all get out (where does that expression come from anyway??!!)!
I’m finding that they are costing me way too much!
Great thing our Vet is looking to barter. I’m strongly urging my husband to jump on that offer since he’s capable of getting the work done.
All of that brings me to this…
Yesterday I took the puppies to the vet for their follow up shots and what not. The total was almost $200!
Rewind: My husband and I had talked about taking the children shopping for summer clothes.
Back to the present..well, last night: I asked him if the money that I spent on the puppies the money that we were going to spend on the kids. He said, “No. That was your Mother’s Day money.”
He didn’t recant or anything. He just left it at that.
That better had been a joke!