The Lord will make us a top-of-our-class student when we open our hearts and minds to Him.
I want to be one of His best students.
When He wants to mark me as “present” each morning, I want to be able to say, “HERE!!” with excitement!
I want my study time to be fruitful.
I don’t want to back down from John 15:2 or 2 Timothy 2:15 (hey look! same numbers, different order!)
But I don’t want to just consume the Word. I want to share what God teaches me!
That’s where mentorship comes into play; the mandate that we already have from the Scripture. Titus Two
For much of my young adult like, I yearned to be who God said I should be as a wife and mother.
You should’ve seen all the books that I checked out at our church’s library.
I scoured the pages to learn about how to clean my home and live a godly life.
I found real hope through Elizabeth George’s writings.
First, it’s always about having a pure heart and right motives.
I still pull those books from my shelves because in addition to the Bible, I’ve become a student of Elizabeth’s.
Even though I don’t know her (and I’d LOVE the privilege to), she’s a sort of mentor to me.
Through a lot of what I’ve learned from Mrs. George, but largely from the wisdom of God, I’ve had the honor to become the “teacher” many times over.
I’ve been blessed to pass Mrs. George’s books on to my oldest daughter that has found great benefit from it too!
That isn’t an assignment that I take lightly.
I want to be useful to the kingdom of God.
It’s in this way that I want to hear, “Well done”.
Be the student, then the teacher!
More will benefit from it than you may ever know!
If you’re interested in finding out which books from Elizabeth George I’ve read, check out my “I Recommend” page.
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Living to Worship Him,