An Invitation to Hopefulness

Pursuing What Is Excellent -- An Invitation to Hopefulness

“That the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened;
that you may know what is the hope of His calling…”
Ephesians 1:18

You and I have been

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“You and I have been invited to experience God now and for all eternity. The only response required is for us to say yes.”
– Darlene Zschech, Worship Changes Everything

There’s no hope like Gospel hope!

Am I right, or what?!

There is so much more to our hope of salvation.
Its also the hope of knowing God’s will; to be enlightened to understand!

“that our hearts may receive the brightness of hope resulting in
the wealth of God’s investment in you is understood.” –Jack Hayford

It would take all of us our lifetime to unpack all of that!

How are you doing with that invitation to do so?

Almost 6 years ago, my husband and I started learning what it means to accept God’s
invitation to be enlightened and were grandly introduced to the Holy Spirit.

Our hearts were unveiled and we allowed Scripture to penetrate our lives; thus
giving us understanding and a firm ground to stand on.

We were once again hopeful for our future!

There are so many “aha!” moments for us as
we daily accept His invitation to hopefulness.

With the light of God’s Word shining through our lives, we have a hope that is unexplainable.
It’s just a knowing that everything is so right in our life with Him!

There’s no need for a downcast soul because our hope has been put in God alone.

We have a blessed assurance!

There is a great purpose we have been given,
and our days are to be filled with
the hope-filled calling of the gospel.
-Katie Orr, Everyday Hope


During week 2, the focus of the Everyday Hope Bible study was Ephesians 1:15-21
(click on the link to be taken to Katie Orr’s video).

the power to transform




With Sword and Coffee,