From forbidden love to flourishing
I enjoy sharing about our marriage. Answering questions provides a moment of reflection.
Brian and I were young when we met. Still in high school.
I was engaged…to someone else. That relationship dissolved. It wasn’t healthy.
Brian showed me Christ and His love. Compassion. I longed to be around THAT!
There was so much that he pulled me out of. Helped me to see things that weren’t good for me. He was a true best friend!
Brian and I had no clue of what was to come.
We knew one thing…we just wanted “to be”.
The base. The foundation. Nothing more.
Even though it would have ripped our hearts; willing to let each other go at any moment.
You see. We were forbidden. Our skin tones didn’t match.
There was no taking the time for them to get to know me as a person.
Would I be a good fit for him based on my character, my spirit, what made me “ME”.
For the thrill of the circumstance we didn’t let go. We tried.
We could never “be out in the open”. We could never truly DTR (define the relationship).
It was just understood with us, my family and a select few that we were “Brian AND Kela”.
Everything on the DL (down low).
We took the leap. He started dating me. Risking being seen in public. Knowing that at any moment we could be spotted.
That didn’t matter any more.
We loved. We loved deeply. There was no letting go.
We fell. We fell deeply… into things that we shouldn’t have. There was no letting go.
Choosing to leave home to start preparing for a new life. A life with a wife and a baby.
Choosing to love deeper. Completely.
My new life came at me in a flash!
Living With Sword and Coffee,