Who knew that this marriage post would be brought to you by my son-in-love, Ben!?
I asked him to guest post, but time doesn’t permit (Ben, don’t think that I wont ask you again! )
We were having a great chat about his education and calling in life to be a Pastor.
Ben is a student at a Christian university and was sharing how God is transforming his life.
I let him know how happy and glad we are that he’s allowing God to use him and also how thrilled we are that he’s the man leading our daughter.
What he said next left me saying, “Wow!”
Photo credit: marcolm|freedigitalphotos .net |
That is so true!
If a wife is a Christ follower, she is God’s daughter before she is anything else.
She is under her Daddy’s protection and is fully responsible for her own relationship with Him.
God’s Word and obedience to it is meant for each individual.
As women grow into other roles as wives, our outlook on Scripture changes just a tad.
We start paying attention to the “wife verses”.
Ephesians 5:22-24, Proverbs 31, Titus 2:4-5, Colossians 3:18 and more are on our radar.
God shows us clearly how to live the faith life as a wife, but first as a daughter, a woman of God.
The beauty of a marriage covenant is the double protection over us; that of God’s and our husbands.
There is a weightiness (but not a burden) that is put on our beloved husbands that displays God’s love for us even more.
God shows us how much He values and adores us, and how much He wants to draw us closer to Himself through our husbands.
God loves His girls!
He’s seen to our safety.
He’s also seen to our provision as we rely on Him as our source.
Our husbands aren’t the only ones that can get prayers answered.
We have the same capacity for faith (See Romans 12:3).
It is up to each woman to have a faith of her own.
There are so many wonderful resources and offerings locally and online for women to increase their faith.
Its time to dig deep into the Word and STUDY it for ourselves.
Grab your Bible, notebook, pen, concordances and dictionaries.
I also listen to favorite preachers and teachers, or do a Bible study independently, friend, or group of women.
Ask God for His wisdom (James 1:4).
Begin with prayer and have at it!
What are some of your favorite resources for studying the Bible?
Living With Sword and Coffee,