31 Days of Communication: Resources

I’m just back from a major business conference and am on a high this morning. My husband and I have specific goals in mind and are determined to be diligent in completing them. We can’t not!

One of the highlights of the weekend was having the privilege to hear Dr. John Maxwell live. We were introduced to his new book, 5 Levels of Leadership, this weekend. 

Wanna know a cool thing?? It isn’t even released to the public yet!

We got first dibs!

That new book isn’t what this post is about. There is another book of Dr. Maxwell’s that has been on my desk for months now. I already knew the importance of the subject matter, but didn’t take it too seriously; until now.

I will be getting past the introduction this time and completing (and learning from) the book,

Click to Close (Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John C. Maxwell)

Maxwell share the Five Principles and Five Practices to develop the crucial skill of connecting, including:

  • Finding common ground
  • Keeping your communication simple
  • Capturing people’s interest
  • Inspiring people
  • Staying authentic in all your relationships

Sounds like a great read!
Hey! I am doing 31 Days of Communication, right? What better book to complete this month than that?


Continue to join me each day in October as I give my thoughts on and share from others about communication. Then hop on over to Life with 3 Boybarians to see other bloggers that have joined the 31 Days challenge! The subjects are vast and very interesting!

Living With Sword and Coffee,


The book title mentioned above is linked to my Amazon.com affiliate link.