Jolene Engle is a woman running full after proclaiming God’s mandate of the marriage covenant between men and women.
Wives have been gifted to their husbands as their helper and companion.
Jolene helps guide the way to better equip wives in this magnificent honor!
I’ve read her blog for a few years and quickly fell in love with the message that she gives to wives.
Jolene is very quick to point it ALL back to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
She shares so much of herself and I’ve enjoyed working with her on a couple of projects, including the original 31 Days to a Better Marriage series.
The Lord led her to open up her newest blog space, Christian Wife University, to other marriage writers!
This girl gets to participate and I’m so elated and excited to see God’s work in the marriages of friends, family and all readers.
I start out with Open Spaces and Counsel in Marriage.
Renovations and remodeling are in full swing in our new/old home.
My husband, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are the architects of our new design.
Trust me when I say that there have been several times when my husband has needed divine inspiration….(read the rest of “Open Spaces and Counsel in Marriage” here)
With Sword and Coffee,