Their questions:
“What do you do?”
”What’s your profession?”
”What do you do for a living?”
”Do you work outside the home?”
My responses:
“I’m a stay at home mom and educate my kids.”
”I don’t have a profession.”
”I don’t earn an income.”
But truly…what DO I DO?
My life is so beyond me.
What I claim in the secret of my everyday life is so much more than what I proclaim to those that I meet.
I sometimes feel that what I DO isn’t impactful;
when really it is!
Sing! Worship! Mentor! Write! Encourage! Cheer on! Reach out! Smile!
Now, do those things pull in the cash?
Perhaps a time or two, but believe me, its nothing sustainable.
I don’t do it for pay. I do it to edify OTHERS.
I want others to feel better after an encounter with me.
I want to uplift and give a good word!
We’re all impactful wherever we go…when we allow ourselves to open up to others.
How can we step out of our comfort zones to reach others?
Start with a warm smile! (psst…and when you meet a weary mom, offer that “knowing” smile ).
Ask the Lord to point you to that person that needs your touch.
That could be the only acknowledgement they receive all day.
Don’t shrink back from what you do best. Do the thang because you’ve been gifted like that!
Go the extra mile to add value to someone’s life because you exude the peace and joy of Christ!
Be His instrument of grace and blessing.
With Sword and Coffee,