Making Time To Read

Pursuing What Is Excellent  Making Time To Read
Image courtesy of Apolonia at

This post is inspired by the plethora of books I’ve received lately from awesome giveaways, free Kindle books, and book launch teams that I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. {This post contains affiliate links}

One simply doesn’t have time to finish every book they start…or do they? Usually not.

This girl jumps from book to book in a heartbeat. 
As a result, I don’t learn much from what I’m reading.

I used to do very well with finishing books that I start; several books at once.
I read in what I call “clusters”.

I’d choose a book from several different genres to be well-rounded.
God’s Word is of course the only book that has been my constant companion. That’s a given!

I read a blog post from my Abra of Mere Breath : Reading Encouragement for Mommies that reminded me of how I used to cluster read.

I saw my friend, Celeste’s Instagram photo of a stack of books. She had hers in order of reading them. I was inspired to put a plan on paper!

I wrote the following note to myself:

My goal for 2015 is to be intentional in “Cluster Reading”.
Not to set too lofty a goal to condemn myself, but to stretch myself.

My clusters are:

  • Spiritual/Prayer
  • Marriage
  • Parenting/Home Education
  • PMA (Positive Mental Attitude/Entrepreneurship)
  • Writing (skills)

Book choice will change as new books are available/presented.


So, friend, how do YOU keep to your reading? Do you intentionally schedule it or does it happen as it happens?

What are you currently reading?

See How I Feel About Books (Pinterest Board)

Happy reading!

With Sword and Coffee,