When You Need Your Joy Back

Pursuing What Is Excellent -- When You Need Your Joy Back


You love Him even though you have never seen Him.
Though you do not see Him now,
you trust Him;
and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.
1 Peter 1:8 (NLT)


What comes to mind when you read that verse?
Does it seem that rejoicing with a glorious, inexpressible joy is a lofty goal at times?


When we don’t think that God sees, hears, or knows the true emotions we’re feeling, that kind of extravagant joy escapes us.
In light of that Scripture, I’d say that the “burden” of glorious, inexpressible joy is a lack of trusting Him.

Inexpressible joy doesn’t have to elusive.

It’s a part of our inheritance that comes along with our salvation.

Join me at Rooted at the Throne as I talk more about how to get back to joy.