In Happily Ever Laughter you’ll find real-life stories from humorists who know how to spot life’s funny events, even when the joke fall squarely on them. This is a book about treating marriage in the best ways, which include generous doses of laughter.
Discover the lighter side of marriage with these hilarious guides:
Chonda Pierce, Bob Stromberg, Daren Streblow, Kendra Smiley, Jeff Allen, John Branyan, Rhonda Rhea, David Dean, Dave Veerman, and Neil Wilson.
–From Back Cover
What marriage can’t use some laughter? Some marriages need a LOT of laughter!
I’m just sayin’.
The title and the editor’s name won a second look from me. Come on…you can’t get much funnier than Ken Davis.
He’s the first Christian comedian that I’ve ever heard many years ago on the radio.
I, for one, am thankful for this book because my husband almost snatched the book out of my hand when it arrived. That gets me totally excited!!!
Why? Because I’ve requested a review book written for men before and that didn’t go over too well.
Pssst… here is a hint to all of you women reviewers…NEVER request a book to “review” that you want your husband to read to help you “review” (well, not without his approval anyway).
Enough of my tangent…
The compilation in this book is genius. Several of the names I do recognize, others I do not. All pack a funny factor.
I invite. Ok, STRONGLY URGE you to take a look at the first chapter HERE.
You’ve GOTTA read it. I promise, you’ll roll. You may even ROTFL! That’s: Rolling On The Floor Laughing for those that need it.
It was high time to get some “lightness” added to my reading. Happily Ever Laughter was just the book to do it with.
Now it’s time for me to put this book back in my bathroom for us to continue to enjoy when we have some down time. Don’t act like you don’t do it too. You probably have puzzle books in there too, don’t you!? MmmmHmmm. 😉
A few facts:
A V A I L A B L E : June 2010
B I N D I N G : Softcover
I S B N : 978-1-58997-580-4
P A G E S : 160
P R I C E : $13.99
I received the above book courtesy of Tyndale House Publishers. What do they get in return? An honest review from me, Kela, the Author and owner of Pursuing What is Excellent. I was not paid for this review or compensated in any other way from Tyndale House Publishers.
I am an affiliate. The above book that was reviewed is linked to their site via my affiliation. Meaning that if you click on the title you will be directed to If you purchase said book, I will be monetarily compensated by
Thank you for stickin’ with me today! I hope that you do purchase the book (from the source of your liking) and enjoy it with your spouse!!
Until next time…be abundantly blessed!