Everyday Peace Small Group Bible Study

Pursuing What Is Excellent -- Everyday Peace Small Group Bible Study

What a whirlwind of a Summer it has been! It’s still going strong but the dates on the calendar indicates that we’re winding down.

Fall is soon upon us and that usually means getting back into routine and looking forward to fresh beginnings. Season changes seem to have that effect on folks!

In comes new Bible studies and new fellowship; whether in our local churches, ladies gathering in homes or at coffee shops, or in small classrooms.
That also means online groups that have us perched in a quiet corner with our favorite hot beverage or water that we’re trying to get in from the start of our day.
We also find ourselves with our Bibles, pens, books, and journals sprawled out across the kitchen table.

However it finds you, I’ll bet you’re longing for that sacred connection; between you and God, and with other women that feel your heartbeat!


I have a great opportunity, desire, and excitement to lead such an online group Bible study with you!

Katie Orr, author of many wonderful Bible Studies, gathered a small group of women together in the beginning of Summer to be a part of her Everyday Peace pilot study.

In the times that we’re living in, peace can seemingly be hard to find. But, my friend, it CAN be found!
Focusing on Philippians 4 and using Katie’s FOCUSed15 study method, we’ll dive into finding

  • Peace in Everyday Stress
  • Peace in Any Circumstance
  • Peace in Dissension

#EverydayPeace Don't forfeit peace

Everyday Peace is a four week study that I’ll be leading in my closed Facebook Group, Word Treasurers starting Monday, September 12 – Friday, October 7!

Space is limited, and for women only. Request to join the Word Treasurers Facebook group today, and pre-order your copy of Everyday Peace!

Find out more about Everyday Peace here, and about Katie’s FOCUSed15 Bible Study method here. It has been pivotal in the way I study God’s Word no matter what I’m studying.

I look forward to studying with you!!

Living to Worship Him,


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