Ephesians 5 Guy

Pursuing What Is Excellent : Ephesians 5 Guy

“Your husband is the Ephesians 5 guy.”

– Jen Weaver, A Wife’s Secret to Happiness


Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
– Ephesians 5:25-27


That passage is music to my ears!
I get some help in my Christian life!
Even though I’m responsible for my own time with God and being in His presence, I get the added benefit of having a husband that looks out for my best interest in making sure I get that opportunity.

My husband is my covering. A mighty wonderful thing happens when I am under there, too. I get drenched and washed in the Word. I get an even fuller measure.




My Ephesians 5 guy is my blessing.
One can laugh at the whole “He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.” because that usually has a negative tone because a man is arrogant and not very honorable.
But may I suggest that a woman’s husband is God’s gift to her.
And to her husband, a wife is a good thing!


I’ve come to know that husband-leadership isn’t a man-made curse, it’s a God ordained blessing. –Jen Weaver, A Wife’s Secret to Happiness


This is one of many of the insights that I received while reading Jen Weaver’s new book “A Wife’s Secret to Happiness: Receiving, Honoring, & Celebrating God’s Role for You in Your Marriage”.

Jen goes deep into the blessings of our covenant relationships with our husbands.
She writes of Eleven specific blessings and how our Wifestyle is reflected in our communication with our husbands.
Jen brings the heart-friend of showing where the Word of God and our wills collide and how to apply that same Word to the process of wholeness.

Packed with quizzes, discussion questions, tips for practical application, exclusive website bonus content, personal stories, you’re sure to be well equipped on the journey of discovering the true blessings that are in marriage; the realization of the blessings that bring happiness.

Just for fun, you can take the #WIFESTYLE Quiz now to see what items make up your wife style.
When you’re done, you’ll probably want to order a copy of the book!

When I first started reading, I was of the mindset that this will help me when it comes to ministering to other wives, but let me tell ya, THIS has been such a helpful reminder and check-up for me as well.

In partnering with the BlogAbout Network, I was certainly delighted to read A Wife’s Secret to Happiness by Jen Weaver, and write a review.


Readers can now purchase a copy wherever books are sold, or by visiting this affiliate link.

Whenever you’ve finished reading the book, I’d love to hear about what you’ve learned!
Also, if at anytime you need prayer for yourself or your marriage, I’d love to pray with you.

Thank you so much for reading today! If it blessed you, can I be as bold as to ask you to *LIKE* this Ephesians 5 Guy post on this Writer’s Contest page? Scroll towards the bottom and you’ll find me! Vote as many times as you like. Many thanks!!

Living to Worship Him,