Do You Need to Let Go of Curriculum Guilt?

Once again, another homeschool mom has helped me in our homeschool journey.
I’ve been guilty of having curriculum guilt and I must let go of that. Do you have the same deal goin’ on?
Samantha at To Be Busy at Home wrote a wonderful article over at The Homeschool Classroom about that very thing!
Here’s an excerpt:

I’ve been homeschooling for over seven years now and over that period of time I have managed to let go of the curriculum guilt that I used to experience. What is curriculum guilt?
Well, I think curriculum guilt takes two forms:

  • The feeling that you must use a certain curriculum because you spent your hard-earned money on it, regardless of how the curriculum is working for you and your children. This type of curriculum guilt sounds like, “I bought this and I’m going to use it – I don’t want to waste my money!”
  • The feeling that you must use the curriculum exactly as the curriculum provider says it is supposed to be used. This type of curriculum guilt sounds like, “I need to follow the directions exactly or I won’t be using it like I’m supposed to be using it and that is bad.”

–Letting Go of Curriculum Guilt

There is SOOO much going on at The Homeschool Classroom. A homeschool mom/family can find a plethora of resources. Go check them out.

The Homeschool Classrom

Be blessed!
