This week was a test week for me in doing and keeping up with the 31 Days to Clean challenge.
I basically wasn’t home for a week straight. We made a pit stop or two; you know, to empty one bag only to re-pack it.
In the challenge, we are asked to highlight at least one day that resonated with us.
First, I want to share what each day’s high light in Sarah Mae’s book, 31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Wayheld.
Day 1 ~ Why Clean
Day 2 ~ Created to Give Life
Day 3 ~ 10 Ways to Give Life to Your Home
Day 4 ~ A Place to Put Your Feet
Day 5 ~ Priorities
I’ve been wanting to write a post about one of the days since right before Easter…even before I started reading this book.
That day is Day 4.
When our family moved into our home a little over 4 years ago, we promised to use it for entertainment and a place of peace.
We’ve had many friends in our home.
For a reason, that I know full well why, I became anxious about our Easter guests. I was totally stressing myself out. It was fear. Fear that the carpet wasn’t clean enough. Fear that the missing laundry closet door would reveal all of my mess. You see, the laundry closet is a part of my kitchen. It sometimes looks like the closet vomited dirty clothes all over my kitchen floor. Fear that my bookcases were going to be too dusty. Fear that things wouldn’t be “just-so”.
I had to solicit the prayers of several friends and a kick in the backside by a couple of them.
What was I so afraid of? I was prideful…plain and true. To an extent, I knew what their home looked like. I’d never visited, but I knew their neighborhood. It was ALL self-inflicted pride!
We have a beautiful home…with 6 rambunctious children. We are the epitome of having a “lived-in” home!
I finally settled down; especially after my husband made it clear that we aren’t trying to “entertain”, but to enjoy our guests…and after he replaced my laundry closet door and put a fresh coat of paint over some spots in the kitchen.
What did happen: We all enjoyed ourselves and I felt absolutely NO pressure at all. All of that worry and pride for naught. It did me no good!
We got a chance to be guests in their home a few days later.
Know what I found? A place where I could “put MY feet up”. Their home was NOT untouchable. They “live in” theirs too!
Lord, I pray that no matter who comes into our home that it will be an atmosphere is calm, peace, comfort and fun; a place that everyone that enters will feel at home.
Living With Sword and Coffee,